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Title [Centre News] Call for Papers on the 'Living Heritage Series: Traditional Martial Arts as Intangible

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ICM and ICHCAP are welcoming papers for the Living Heritage Series: Traditional MartialArts as Intangible Cultural Heritage(ICH) in commemoration of the 70thanniversary of Korea’s accession to UNESCO. Through the joint publication on martial arts, ICM and ICHCAP aims to shed light on the culturalvalues inherent in martial arts as a meaningful element of ICH.

  • Documents to be submitted: English Application, Abstract

    - Deadline: Saturday 11th of April 2020

    - Length: 400-500 words for abstract, 3,500-4,000 words for final report

    Submission: ichcapicm@gmail.com

    Theme: Martial Arts as Intangible Cultural Heritage


     - significance, identity and value of traditional martial arts as ICH,

     - transition in traditional martial arts with the flow of time,

     - development of traditional martial arts according to the regional and periodical circumstance of the times,

     - history of martial arts and its culture,

     - sharing field experiences of traditional martial arts from an ICH value,

     - the institution and policy for the safeguarding and promotion of traditional martial arts,

     - best practices on applicability of traditional martial arts in modern use

       (multi-cultural programmes, youth education, etc.),

    - traditional martial arts and sustainable development.

    To introduce the transmissionand safeguarding of ICH, ICHCAP has been cooperating with relevant organizations in publishing the Living Heritage Series. The series have previously covered traditional medicine, tugging rituals, and food.

    ICM, as a one and only category2 centre under the auspices of UNESCO in the field of martial arts, aims to encourage research and knowledge sharing, and support educational and academic activities in the field through this co-publishing project of collecting and disseminating materials related to martial arts.

    Application forms and details for this project can be found here.