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제목 [북미] Okichitaw

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Name Okichitaw
Alternative Names
Origin Canada
Main Techniques Mixed (Grappling, striking, weapon-based)
Weapons Multiple (Knives, sticks)
Purpose of Practice Martial Arts
Type of Origination Created
Degree of Sportification
Yes (Year: )      No
General Information Okichitaw is a Canadian combat art. The name is derived from the Plains-Cree word “okichitawak” which referred to warriors who had proven themselves skilled in the art of survival, protection and warfare.All hand, foot and body mechanics are a reflection of specific Plains Cree weaponry and their respective movements. (Indigenous weaponry such as tomahawk, lance, gunstock warclub and knife are used in advanced training (Okichitaw Indigenous Combat Arts Official Website, s.d.).In Okichitaw the students also become familiar with the underlying philosophy and indigenous Canadian culture.The Medicine Wheel & the Four Directions are applied to the techniques taught in this martial system. The four directions are linked to the four different stages, and different belt colours, the practitioners go through (Lepine, s.d.).
History/Development Okichitaw was founded by George J. Lépine (1962-) and established in 1997. George Lépine became familiar with different martial arts in his youth. He decided to combine the values of the Aboriginal culture with the Canadian Cree combat principles and methods (Larke 2018). Lépine created Okichitaw using what he had been taught supplemented by his own extensive historical research. The scarcity of reference materials and surviving indigenous records, which mainly have been passed down orally, made it hard. Through codification and systematisation, it was successfully turned into a modern martial art (Boorman 2015).

In 2002 at the Chungju World Martial Arts Festival Okichitaw was presented and officially recognized as a unique aboriginal martial art of Canada by the World Martial Arts Union (WoMAU).
The popularity of Okichitaw is increasing, with regular classes happening more frequently and the organization of workshops and seminars (Okichitaw Indigenous Combat Arts Official Website, s.d.).
Relevant Organisations - Okichitaw Indigenous Combat Arts http://www.okichitaw.com
- Native Canadian Centre of Toronto (NCCT) https://ncct.on.ca
Additional Materials - http://www.okichitaw.com/uploads/3/0/3/2/30323613/okichitaw_manuscript_unesco_pdf__1_.pdf
References - Boorman, D. (2015). https://www.academieduello.com/news-blog/okichitaw-canadas-only-aboriginal-martial-art-system/
- Okichitaw Indigenous Combat Arts Official Website. (s.d.). http://www.okichitaw.com
- Lark, G. E. (2018). “Grandmaster George Lepine: Bringing Native Fighting Arts into the Global Arena”, taekwondotimes.com / May 2018. http://www.okichitaw.com/uploads/3/0/3/2/30323613/taekwondo_times_mag_article.pdf
- Lepine, G. (s.d.). Okichitaw. Indigenous Martial Art of Canada. Martial Arts Manuscript. http://www.okichitaw.com/uploads/3/0/3/2/30323613/okichitaw_manuscript_unesco_pdf__1_.pdf