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제목 [아프리카] Kandoshin

  • 조회수
  • 작성일
  • 첨부
Name Kandoshin
Alternative Names
Origin Nigeria
Main Techniques Striking
Weapons N/A
Purpose of Practice Martial Arts
Type of Origination Created
Degree of Sportification
Yes (Year: )      No
General Information Kandoshin is a hybrid martial art founded in 1975 by Happy John Uvwiefenigwere from Nigeria. Uvwiefenigwere studied and practised many martial arts systems, including Korean, Japanese, Chinese, African ones, as well as African fighting arts, which became the essence of kandoshin: karate, taekwondo, kungfu, jiu-jitsu, aikido, boxing, and others (enacademic, n.d.).

The Nigeria United Kandoshin Union was established in 1975 and became a part of the Karate Federation of Nigeria which was recognised by Nigerian sports ministry in 1991 (Kandoshin Arts Federation International, n.d.).
Kandoshin has spread to Nigeria, Cameroon, Germany, England, South Africa, and the U.S. (Kandoshin Arts Federation International, n.d.).
Relevant Organisations
Additional Materials
References - Enacademic. (n.d.). “Happy John Uvwiefenigwere” https://enacademic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/3596011 
- Kandoshin Arts Federation International. (n.d.). “about”. https://www.kandoshin.com/about