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Title [Europe] Bulgarian kempo

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Name Bulgarian kempo
Alternative Names Bulkempo, Bulgarian kenpo
Origin Bulgaria
Main Techniques Mixed (Grappling, striking, weapon-based)
Weapons(if weapon-based) Multiple (Knives, sticks)
Purpose of Practice Martial Arts
Type of Origination Imported
Degree of Sportification National
Yes (Year:2017)      No
General Information Bulgarian kempo is founded by Velin Hadjolov (1970- ) in Bulgaria. It is a modern budo style, characterized by a rational and effective structure, rhythm and a combination of striking and throwing techniques. The martial art is based on both soft and hard techniques. The defense techniques are based on the soft principles of judo, sambo, and aikido, the attack movements are developed according to the hard principle specific to Ashihara karate, Kiokushinkai karate, taekwondo etc. (National Federation Bulgarian Kempo, s.d.).
Relevant Organisations - National Federation Bulgarian Kempo
Additional Materials
References - National Federation Bulgarian Kempo. (s.d.).