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Title [South America] Maracatu Rural

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Name Maracatu Rural
Alternative Names Maracatu de baque solto, maracatu de orquesta, maracatu de trombone
Origin Brazil
Main Techniques Others
Weapons Others
Purpose of Practice Martial Culture
Type of Origination Transmitted
Degree of Sportification N/A
Yes (Year: )      No
General Information Maracatu refers to different performance genres in Pernambuco in Northeastern Brazil. Maracatu rural, also named as maracatu de baque solto, maracatu de orquesta, maracatu de trombone, is an expression of afro-indigenous culture, now performed at the carnival of Pernambuco. It consists of music, dance and ritualistic elements. The practitioners are traditionally sugarcane workers.The Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional of Brazil recognized maracatu rural in 2014 as living cultural heritage (IPHAN, s.d.).Maracatu rural in not a martial art but incorporates elements of controlled fighting and the use of weapons, thus can be seen as an example of martial culture.
History/Development At the beginning of the 20th sugarcane workers in Brazil fled to the capital due to the crisis in the sugar industry and took their traditions and culture with them (Carnival Recife, s.d.).
Maracatu rural is in danger of disappearing. Efforts like its recognition as living heritage in 2009 have been made and performances are still part the Carnival  (Cultura.pe 2020).
Relevant Organisations - Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN) http://portal.iphan.gov.br/
Additional Materials - Podcast giving insight in maracatu rural by the Caipirinha Appreciation Society: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/cas/episodes/2010-03-02T12_47_37-08_00
- de Oliveira Pinto, T. (1996). “Musical Difference, Competition, and Conflict: The Maracatu Groups in the Pernambuco Carnival, Brazil”, Latin American Music Review, vol. 17 no 2, pp. 97-119.
References - IPHAN (s.d.). “Maracatu de Baque Solto”, Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional, http://portal.iphan.gov.br/pagina/detalhes/505
- Cultura.pe (2020). “Maracatus de Baque Solto e Baque Virado terão várias apresentações durante o Carnaval”, O Portal da Cultura Pernambucana, http://www.cultura.pe.gov.br/canal/carnaval/maracatus-de-baque-solto-e-baque-virado-terao-varias-apresentacoes-durante-o-carnaval/
- Carnival Recife (s.d.). “Maracatus de Baque Solto”, Carnival Recife, http://site.carnavalrecife.com/compositores-e-agremiacoes/maracatus-de-baque-solto/