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Title [Centre News] International Youth Martial Arts Camp Completion Ceremony

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Youth in martial arts postures at the IYMAC

 The clompletion cereomony for the 2nd International Youth Martial Arts Camp(IYMAC) was held on August 12. About 80 youth from 6 countries had a chance for cultural exchange learning each other's martial arts during five days and six nights of the camp.  For youth capacity building, this year’s camp organised a group of supporters that consisted of 12 Korean high school students.


On August 12, UNESCO ICM held a completion ceremony for the 2nd International Youth Martial Arts Camp sponsored by the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Chungbuk Province, and Chungju City.



During the camp, which was held for six days, and five nights from August 8 to 13, 80 youths from six countries (Bulgaria, Canada, China, Malaysia, Singapore, and Korea) practiced other countries’ martial arts and shared their cultures with each other. They also visited Youngin University to watch Taekwondo and Yongmudo demonstrations, practiced these martial arts skills, and learnt about the philosophies of the martial arts. Other highlights included an invitational lecture on the culture of peace and reconciliation given by Mr. Kim Gui-bae, Director of the Science and Cultural Division at the Korean National Commission for UNESCO, recreational and cultural experiences, and water sport activities that helped participants make friendship.


Initiated as a programme for young martial artists to interact with each other, the International Youth Martial Arts Camp marked its second year. For youth capacity building, this year’s camp organised a group of supporters that consisted of 12 Korean high school students. They served as the closest guides and interpreters for the middle schoolers participating in the camp and assisted in the overall management of the camp.


UNESCO ICM plans to keep holding the International Youth Martial Arts Camp as a way to promote youth development, leadership, and a community spirit based on the philosophical and cultural values of martial arts.