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Subscribe to our quarterly email newsletter 「ICM News」 to receive recent news about ICM, diverse writings by experts and youth, and relevant information.

Title Writing Guideline for ICM News

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ICM accepts writings from all people.

Potential writers are encouraged to read previous editions of ICM News and accordingly fit their manuscripts to the section they would like contribute to.

ICM does not have a separate call for submissions on writings to be featured in ICM News.


Here is a set of template you can use if you think putting your experiences down into words is too difficult.

 (1) Suggested topic : Winning/losing experience in a martial arts combat/match. 

We also recommend writers to contact ICM in advance to share their thoughts on potential news to be sent to ICM News.

This does not mean ICM is required to accept all submitted writings.

Review will be based on whether the writing is informative, evidence-based, and has good readability.

English fluency is crucial.

사본 -Stages on receiving writings.png

Please contact shh0820@unescoicm.org or +82 43 845 6727 for detailed information.



General Format
∘Word Processor : Microsoft Word
∘Length : Within 2 pages (about 930 English words)
※ Bibliography is in principle, excluded from both page and word count.
∘Font : Times New Roman
∘Font size : 12 for body paragraphs. A larger font (14) can be used for headings.
∘Line Spacing : 1.5

∘Referencing : Harvard Style
※ Submission of photo or video relevant to the writing is highly recommended.

※ Contents in attachment may change without further notice.