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제목 [아시아] Simgumdo

  • 조회수
  • 작성일
  • 첨부
Name Simgumdo
Alternative Names
Origin Korea
Main Techniques Weapon-based
Weapons Swords
Purpose of Practice Martial Arts
Type of Origination Created
Degree of Sportification
Yes (Year: )      No
General Information Simgumdo is a Korean swordsmanship style martial art created by Changsik Kim, who learnt The core of simgumdo is to practise swords with the mind, with the spirit of “sound mind makes sound behaviour, and sound behaviour makes sound swords”. They practise swords for self-development.

Simgumdo is characterised by the fact that the practitioners use only one hand, as opposed to the well-known style of kendo that uses both hands. Simgumdo uses fast and strong strikes with one hand. It has 60 basic movements and 330 swordsmanship methods.
Simgumdo has not much been distributed in Korea but spread well abroad, including Italy, Poland, Japan, and the U.S. It has been disseminated to the world since 1974 when the founder went to the U.S. and later established a headquarters in 1976. Simgumdo has maintained its original form without creating modern forms of practise for entertainment. This is why the art has not been able to have a big population of practitioners.

Simgumdo practitioners claim that the art is the parenthood of haedong gumdo, citing that the simgumdo founder taught the founder of haedong gumdo since young.
Relevant Organisations
Additional Materials
References - https://mookas.com/news/5908

Note: can’t find reliable sources